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viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008


4 comentarios:

  1. Hooray, I found you again. Maria Jose, I looked and looked and now that I'm here I won't forget you. I've put a link to your blog on my blog. Happy Easter from Melanie in New York.

  2. Hy, Melanie!!!!
    Thank you very much!!!!. I have just been in your blog and had a lot of fun reading your newest post ,"Tag...I`m it" ... !!! and I have to tell you that I share some facts with you as touching worms, mice, snakes, rats... uhg!!!
    I lived in a renovated old house that I inherited from my gandmother and the first year we moved, mice appeared every term!! and I thougth I could not resist it!!,but fortunately we discover the entrance and from that they coul never come into!!!,ja,ja!!
    Well , tahks again for having among your favourite blogs!!!
    Have a nice day!!

  3. Preciosos tulipanes y encantador el rincón de la pérgola con la glicinia!!!!
    Un beso:

  4. Hola Marta!!!
    Me alegra que te hayan gustado los tulipanes, la verdad es que yo también los veo preciosos.
    Un bico


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